Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whitewater Rafting!!!

Oh my gosh, it was the best time ever! We shared a boat with Brian, Alise & Brendan. Our guide was great, and she made the trip really fun. I was scared but excited, and of course, I fell out about two minutes down the river! The guide called it an "out of boat experience". Our raft started into a rapid on my side and we hit a rock, and out I went! I took off down the river, but they caught up to me quick and saved me. I got over it quick and thankfully, did not fall out again. Rob, Diane, Becky, and Jordan rode in the same raft and got it stuck on a rock and had to evacuate! It was so funny, and we waited on the side for them to get unstuck for about 40 minutes. Then we noticed a boat float by with Diane! So, we got her into ours with us for a little while. It was just the best time and I'm so thankful that Dan organized this whole trip. And here are our sun burnt legs :( Todd's are still red......

Check out these babies, they're still red today!!
I think I'm going to make a slideshow for the rest of my pictures from the trip.........

1 comment:

~jen~ said...

WOW. Now those are some lobster legs Todd has! Holy wow!!!!!
I'm glad you guys had so much fun! I've never been WWR and to be honest, I think I'd pee myself if I got tossed out of a raft!!

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