Friday, December 19, 2008

Kayla's Famous!!!

Kayla made it on the front page of the newspaper on Sunday! The girls and I went to the Linden Holiday Happenings a couple weekends ago. While we were waiting for the parade to start, we walked around to look at all of the ice sculptures and a Tri-County Times photographer took this picture of Kayla standing in back of an eskimo ice sculpture. 12/14/08 Here's the link to their website, her picture will be on it for a little while. We're so proud of her :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fall Party at My Dad's House

We all went over to my dad's house the weekend before Halloween this year to celebrate the holiday and the fall weather. All of the kids wore their costumes, we had a hayride, ate chili and elephant ears. It was so much fun, I love being with my family more than anything. Tracy sent Dad & Helen an autumn flower arrangement and we decided to gather around it for a picture to send to her. It was pretty funny how many people were piled into Dad's spare room!

Dad & Jessica

Alise & Jonathan

Kayla & Jessica have a little rivalry going, it's pretty cute :)


Scary Halloween pictures :)

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