Thursday, August 13, 2009

A much needed update!

Gosh, it's been a long time since I updated our blog, and so much has happened this summer!! First of all, the girls are doing GREAT and we're having a very nice summer. The only thing that sucks is that I have to work Monday through Friday, but thank goodness for the weekends. I LIVE for the weekends!! Eva and Kayla got their hair cut and I just love Eva's hair shorter. I didn't think I would, but she's so dang cute, she looks good in anything (proud mama). I really need to post pictures. And the funniest part of that whole evening we were at the hair salon was that I discovered little Kayla cut her own hair just the day before!!! I was literally brushing her hair while Eva was getting her hair cut, and noticed all these "layers" throughout K's hair!! At first I thought it was Eva who cut her sister's hair, but Kayla finally confessed and I had the girl fix it into a cute little layered shorter cut. I must admit, Kayla actually did a good job! It looked like she tried to frame it around her face, and she gave herself some really cute bangs, lol! Then when I told Todd about Kayla cutting her own hair, he didn't believe it because there was no evidence. I mean, where was the hair???? It just so happened that Eva was playing in my room the next day and found a wicker basket FULL of little blonde curls....mystery solved :)

We've had a few asthma scares with Kayla this summer, and Sunday she came down with croup. It's just been the worst, I feel so bad for her. I hate the croup, and have never even heard of it before. She had a really barky cough, and a low-grade fever, and it is hard for her to catch her breath when she coughs. The doctor said that it's not to be confused with her asthma, but it's not fun whatever it is. The only thing that seems to give her relief is running the shower and letting the bathroom steam up. That works really good.

Work is going really good for me, I'm very lucky to be paying my bills during this tough economic time and I literally have the best boss in the whole world (no, I'm not being a suck-up, he doesn't read this!!) I also bought a new car right after my dad passed away. My brother, Rob, said that my dad's only last request of him was to help me buy a new car. My dad and I always talked about going to the dealership together. He was a great haggler, and always looked out for me. I am his only single daughter, and he was always doing things for me and the girls. I have to stop now because I'm still having a really hard time with my dad being gone. I bottle all of my feelings up to get through my day and they get out at any thought or mention of him, and it's really painful still. I talked to my brother, Brian, the other day and just broke down. Talking to my brothers is like talking to my dad, and I miss him so much it hurts. The girls and I go to the cemetary and just sit on his grave to be close to him. Eva has a very hard time with it still, too, and says how much fun he was and how she misses his songs and that no one else in our family can play the guitar as good as Grandpa. She's right. We listen to the Pacemaker's CD (dad's band, he was the only guy with three women, of course!) and it feels good to hear his voice. I love him so much, and everything reminds me of him, everything good, that is. I truly did have the best dad in the whole world and I miss him so much.

Eva Diva is working hard on her multiplication tables this summer. And her cousins introduced her to Wizards 101 which is an awesome MMO game for kids that is very similar to World of Warcraft, and the best part, it's free!! It doesn't take that long to download, and it's so fun to login and play, little Kayla even created a little character to run around with. And another good part, they have features setup to ensure privacy and safety for kids. It's so cool because they run around the city with other kids from all over the world! They are not allowed to login without a parent present, but that's true with their Internet use altogether. My sister watches them while I work, and I won't even let them be online with her. I'm not overly strict by any means, but this is one area where I draw the line. She is also only allowed to visit the sites:, and Webkinz. Mean mom, I know.

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