Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Eva and Kayla

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life,
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.
-Melody Beattie

"Life's not about waiting for storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

When I read these passages on gratitude this morning, they really hit me and I want to share them with you girls in hopes that they help you too one day. May you both always find peace and contentment with what you already have, and not be too frustrated with what you don't have.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kayla Turns Three Today!

We love you K!! I can't believe you're already 3, Happy Birthday!!!

Three years ago today I gave birth to my beautiful Kayla. My doctors scheduled a Cesarean section one week before my due date, it was an early Friday morning. I was supposed to have her first thing that morning, but there were a few moms that needed emergency care so we had to wait for a few hours. My mom, my dad, Becky & Dan, Mike, Helen, and of course Eva, were all there at St. Joe’s Hospital in Ann Arbor. Just before 11:00AM, I had a very quick and easy surgery. I felt a lot of tugging and pressure, and then heard the screams! Kayla came out screaming, which is so unlike her personality because she was just the best baby. But she would not stop screaming! She was all purple and her face was scrunched up and I was……in love. It took the doctor about twenty more minutes to put me back together and then we were moved into our room where we stayed for the weekend. Everything about my pregnancy with Kayla (and Eva too) went great. I felt great too, the whole time. Well, I did have morning sickness with both girls, but nothing too bad at all. For Kayla’s first year, she truly was a dream baby. From about 6 weeks, she slept from 7pm – 7am every single night. She was such a happy baby ALL the time, she went to sleep happy and never woke up crying – I would just hear her playing with her feet and talking to herself in her crib. Eva was totally IN LOVE with her baby sister and loved carrying her everywhere. She noticed and celebrated every milestone, even the tiny things that only a parent would notice and care about. As Kayla turned two, she was super tiny and kind of fell off the weight charts. She loved her bottle and I finally got her off of it that fall. She also broke her leg when she was two! At the end of August and for the month of September she had to wear a cast. She started dance class right after her cast came off, and we also found out that she has asthma that year. But she really did have a good year and went from a baby to this tiny little princess who loves dresses, make-up and her cozy soft blankies. She also turned into a “normal” toddler and now absolutely HATES everything to do with sleep! We celebrated her birthday at my dad’s house on Saturday and my mom’s house today and she got lots of presents from everyone. She got a playhouse, tons of clothes, a racecar track and a make-up kit (her favorite). I still cannot believe our little Kayla is three years old! And Eva turned exactly 8 and a half today too, so we just had to celebrate her half-birthday too!

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