Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Best Dad in the Whole World.

My dad passed away on May 17th. It's the hardest thing that I have ever had to deal with, ever. It's hard to type the words right now. I am still waiting for the hurting to stop, the empty feeling to go away. How do you get over losing your father? The best dad, the best grandpa, the best friend anyone could ever ask for? He was truly the center of our family, the glue that held us all together. He was amazing. He loved music, loved dancing, and loved singing and he was the happiest when we were all together, especially his grandchildren. His wealth was his family and everyone who met him knew it. The love that radiated from that man was hard to miss, but watch out if you messed with one of his daughters! I have had a hard time getting back to my blog because I knew I would have to start out with Dad's death and it's just so hard right now. I'm going to leave it alone right now and, at some point, come back and post more. There have been two deaths in my immediate family, Dad and Wes (Iraq 2005), and both passed away on May 17th. Our family will never be the same. My only hope is that Dad felt loved and knew we did the best we could at the end. I am so thankful to have had the best dad in the whole world.

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