Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July

We had an awesome day!! It was a much needed day off of work, and the weather was perfect. I took the girls shopping and Kayla just had to wear Eva's old dance tutu the whole day. Eva always has to stop and check out the shoes, so while I was trying to convince Eva that it was too early to get new shoes for school, Kayla comes around with these froggy rainboots on. It was so funny because the string was still there that holds them together and she was walking so crazy. Plus, they were about 5 sizes too big on her and came up over her knees. Eva and I could not stop laughing, which only fuels Kayla's desire to do something cuter. So she ran back and put on the kitty rainboots. Kayla loves to make everyone laugh :) Here are some pictures from earlier that day.....

In the evening, we were to help out with the inflatables for the Freedom Center's tailgating parties that they were putting on around Silver Parkway. It was so much fun, Todd and I helped out with the dodgeball cage. The only bad part was that the girls could not play, but they did really good sitting and watching and Eva helped out alot with Kayla. I had to leave for 2 minutes to make sure that Eva and Kayla were okay, I mean I was only 20 feet away, and I turned around and the whole thing deflated! It was so funny :) But we were really glad that we did it. Then, we watched the fireworks right at the same spot, and so were my friends, Dawn & Jen and their families. Dawn is the one that first introduced us to the Freedom Center and I will be forever grateful for that. It really is a wonderful place to worship. It's hard to call it a church, because it's more than that. It's a place where you go to center yourself and get ready to go back out and live for Jesus. It's almost like a pep rally for God, it's awesome. And Jen is so great, she's very funny and you can tell she's just a really good person with a very big heart (and I'm not just saying that because she might read this one day!) And Jen's daughter Alexis and Eva play so good together, and I know Eva had a much better time last night because she had a friend with her. Here's more pictures of our Fourth of July evening......

1 comment:

Dawn Blay-Smith said...

OMG I love all of those pictures. I take it your girls had alot of fun last night. I was so happy to see you guys. I also love the fact that you love the church....

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