Friday, June 20, 2008

So glad the weekend is here

I am always excited for Fridays because it's the beginning of the weekend and I have both of the girls all night to myself. Except for this weekend, Eva left with her Uncle Todd and Aunt Angela and Rachel & Heather for Indiana where she is going camping in cabins for the weekend with Sean and his side of the family. I will miss her but I know she is going to have so much fun, and thankfully, it is only a couple hours away. Eva packed everything she owns! Kayla was very sad to see her go yesterday, but I am looking forward to a special Mommy and Kayla night tonight. I swear, the only thing to do is go to a movie, but I want to spend time with her. Maybe I will take her to dinner and then the pet store. Maybe get her a little fish? It will be fun to see her looking at the pets, and just be with her.

1 comment:

~jen~ said...

oh c'mon Lisa ~ why don't you get her a stinky li'l HAMSTER?!?!?! hee hee They're soooo cute mommy......(but gosh do they stink after a few days).

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