Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eva's Last Day of First Grade!

Wow, I can't believe that my little girl is going to be in second grade! I remember being in second grade and I remember my mom back then and it's just really cool and crazy and weird that I'm a mom and my Eva is getting so big and going through the same things I did. I still feel sometimes like I am still a kid! Life is strange because you wait all of your life trying to grow up so fast so you can do the things you see your parents doing, then when you're doing it, you still feel like you shouldn't be, like you're not ready, and it doesn't feel at all like you dreamed it would. Okay, I will stop being so confusing, but it's just the best thing in the world and I feel lucky that I get to be their mom. Today is Eva's last day of school, and I got to help at the Last Day Celebration in her classroom. Mrs. Hardy has been her teacher and she's wonderful. Eva has had all good teachers so far and she really loves school. She has lots of friends and her best friends this year are Paige Davis, Olivia Stoddard, and Lauren O'Brien. She is good friends with everyone, but especially those girls. Eva is an excellent writer and speller, just like her mom:), and a wonderful reader. Subtraction and fractions have been a little difficult for her, but this was the first year for those. I don't think I will ever have to worry about her too much in school. Eva loves Webkinz, Hannah Montana (she went to 2 concerts), High School Musical, and the Cheetah Girls. And she loves her sister Kayla more than anything, all of her classroom writing projects and pictures always include her little sister and it's the sweetest thing to watch her change Kayla's diaper and take care of her. Eva has lost lots of teeth over the school year and her cute little mouth looks a little crazy with all of the new teeth coming in, but she's still gorgeous :) Eva, I am so proud of you and looking forward to a great summer with you and Kayla! Love, Mom xoxoxo

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