Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Good Week So Far :)

Nothing extra special to report, but it’s been a good week so far. Last night we went to Jordan’s 13th birthday party at Rob & Alise’s house. Is my sweet niece really a teenager?! This is crazy, life really is so cliché isn’t it? Time really does fly by, and kids do grow up way too fast, and I’m getting old!! I love it though, I don’t want my girls to ever grow up, but I am looking forward to getting closer to them as they get older and having great talks with them, and going shopping together. I mean really shopping, not the kind we do now, with Kayla screaming the whole time and hiding in the clothes racks, and Eva talking her into doing things she shouldn’t, like running away from mommy. Yes, I am THAT mom at the store that can’t control her kids! They always talk me into the big huge shopping cart that fits two small children, and they never sit in it! They’re always running around and touching things they shouldn’t. That is why I have started grocery shopping on my lunch breaks, that’s been a wonderful solution.

Because Kayla’s birthday is next week, I want to make sure I report her milestones as she turns three. She’s almost three feet tall! And she weighs around 27 pounds. She’s still a tiny little thing, but her feet are huge! She wears an 8 ½ size shoe and fits perfectly into 3T clothes now. She drags around a “cozy” blankie everywhere she goes, we have about 7 of them in every color. She is pretty much potty-trained but I still like to put a pull-up on her at night. She’s wonderful, funny, and has a sparkle in her eye when she smiles that melts my heart every time.

While I am updating milestones, I must mention Eva too because she is going to be exactly 8 ½ on Kayla’s birthday (something that we’ll have to celebrate too of course). Eva weighs 67 pounds and is around 4’3” tall. She wears size 2 shoes and pretty much a size 8 in clothes, I just love her in jeans. She is growing out of Hannah Montana, but she still likes the Cheetah Girls and Jonas Brothers. She’s a daddy’s girl, loves to play Rock Band, and loves to read. She’s sassy, very helpful and giving, and is wise beyond her years. She is the best big sister, and will always be my “baby”.

I love you, girls!

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