Monday, October 12, 2009

Kayla wrote her name!!!

I'm pretty sure she's the smartest three-year-old ever!! (Besides my Eva.) We've been working on her letters this past week quite a bit, and I was drawing letters A through H tonight and having her tell me what they were. Then, I started to draw the letters in her name, and she's so independent, she took the marker out of my hand and wrote her name five times! She was so proud of herself, and I was amazed at how quick she caught on. She even holds the marker really good, and she colors in the lines very good too. What's more amazing is that I always thought Kayla would be hard to teach anything to because she's so carefree and busy. But she's actually a very good listener, and she watches me first and then tries things herself. Eva's so good at cheering her sister on, and telling her that she's proud of her. I'm going to keep encouraging her to write her letters. Milestone: Kayla weighs 29 1/2 pounds and is 37 inches tall. She's already growing out of her 3T pants, her legs are getting really long. Eva is almost out of size 8 clothes, and we'll weigh her and measure her soon so I can post it. Eva's gearing up for her MEAP tests that start tomorrow. I'm a little sad about how easy her math is this year, I hope it gets a little more challenging. I'm lucky to have such smart girls.

My step-dad's parents were in town this weekend from Georgia, it was really nice to see them on Saturday. Paul and I had fun watching YouTube videos together and Louise had a nice time watching the girls play, and rocking Kayla like a little baby. Mom and Mike loaded them up with candy, it drives me crazy, but it makes everyone else happy!

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