Friday, January 16, 2009

A much needed update!

I know I haven't posted in awhile but that's because I am still organizing ALL of our pictures from the holidays, and we just had such an awesome Thanksgiving and Christmas, I don't want to miss posting anything. Since I forgot my camera on Thanksgiving at Dad's, I need to copy over the CD my brother Rob gave me with theirs. And Christmas was just the best, there were so many of us packed into Dad & Helen's house! But that's why I haven't posted in awhile, and now it's going to be a huge job, but I'm excited to get everything up on our blog soon. And for all my brothers & sisters in Texas & Arizona, it's -5 degrees in Michigan today!! The girls and I have been having a wonderful 2009 so far, lots of exciting things have been happening, and we've just been busy trying to "keep on keepin' on"! - an old friend of mine used to say that and it always makes me laugh, kind of with a southern gansta accent :)

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